IX (2014), 2


This essay analyzes some of the main themes from Il logo, la morte and it’s mainly focused on the ostensive view, the Truth has at Doxa. This puts the Truth in a relation that shouldn’t belong to it, since  the relation is the fatally aporetic category of metaphysics: every contact between Truth and Doxa should be excluded in order to avoid the overlap of these two plans. In this context, two aporetical consequences seem to occur: the Truth, as it sees, includes and is aware of Doxa, looses its identity; seen by the Truth, the Doxa itself fails as well. Moving from this point of view, I seek to investigate Sasso’s researches on Leibniz and Severino, considering whether some of these critical remarks would affect obliquely his own philosophy or not.

The last Bertrando Spaventa’s speculation was marked out by the need to answer to the positivist demand to replace the traditional epistemological approach with a scientific method capable to promote a simply empirical knowledge. In this paper, I intend to show how did Spaventa prove that the process of knowledge needs metaphysics in order to set itself up and be realized; at the same time, it isn’t a false or wrong acquisition. According to Spaventa, the knowledge is grounded on a trascendental activity which represents ‘thought’ as such.

The concept of «passive revolution» has become a canon of historical and political interpretation, especially from the Saggio storico sulla Rivoluzione di Napoli (1801, 1806) by Vincenzo Cuoco. Variously used by the Italian culture, its significance, spread and use is mainly due even today to the theorization of Antonio Gramsci in his Prison Notebooks (1929-1934).


    Filosofia e idealismo. Intervista a Gennaro Sasso

a cura di Ambrogio Garofano

The last issue of the collected volumes Filosofia e idealismo (Bibliopolis, 2012) give us the opportunity to interview Gennaro Sasso on his task of rethinking Italian neo-idealism from an original theoretical position. Here we retrace some of the theses developed by Sasso in his main works dedicated to Italian idealists: the six volumes of Filosofia e idealismo (Bibliopolis, 1994-2012); Benedetto Croce. La ricerca della dialetticaLe due Italie di Giovanni Gentile.

One year after the first English translation of Leopardi’s Zibaldone has been published, Franco D’Intino, eminent scholar of Italian modern literature and one of the editors of the book, speaks about the way this enterprise was conducted, and the scenario it discloses for the comprehension of Leopardi’s thought.